Black Teacher Project Director Micia Mosely Reunites with Former Student, Belinda Bellinger

Episode Notes

Before founding the Black Teacher Project, Dr. Micia Mosely taught high school history in San Francisco, California. As a beginning teacher, Micia worried that she was unable to fully connect with and help Belinda Bellinger, one of her students, who was struggling emotionally and academically.

Unbeknownst to Micia, Belinda graduates from high school, earns a bachelor's degree from Sarah Lawrence College in New York, and eventually becomes a middle school English teacher. 

Decades after their first time together in high school, the two accidentally reunite in an educational workshop and a new personal and professional relationship is born. In this podcast episode, Micia and Belinda reflect on the paths that brought them back together and what it means now to collaborate as colleagues. They also share offer insights into the Black Lives Matter movement and its significance for the education community. 

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