A Teacher Story For the Ages - “Elaine’s Circle”

Episode Notes

Author Bob Katz shares the extraordinary story of a gifted 4th-grade teacher named Elaine Moore, the central character of his book Elaine’s Circle: A Teacher, a Student, a Classroom, and One Unforgettable Year. One reviewer writes, “There are books that you read that stay with you all your life—Elaine’s Circle will be one of them.”

In this episode, Katz explains how Moore managed to rally her class, her school, and the whole community around Seamus Farrell, one of her students who developed a terminal illness. We also get a glimpse of Elaine’s unique perspectives on teaching and education. “Elaine's abiding theory of education,” Katz says, “is that the classroom is a community…Caring about classmates and belonging to the group was precisely the behavior Elaine had been cultivating beyond the math, the reading, the science, the grammar. Elaine wanted her students to experience the sharing, and the intimacy, and the trust that can develop in a group. She wanted them to understand that the learning they struggled so hard to achieve had a purpose, and the purpose was to help not just themselves but also others.”

In his book, Katz writes, “Elaine had no burning maestro's desire to launch a prodigy or cultivate a superstar who, years hence, in accepting the Nobel or Pulitzer or Oscar, would remember to thank her for all she had done. Her objective was more modest and more real. ‘We teach,’ explained [fellow teacher] Joan Johnson, speaking of Elaine and herself and others, ‘to create these kids who can go on and do life better.’”

We also learn from Katz a bit of the book’s back story—how he came to learn about Elaine Moore, why she was initially reluctant to share her story, and what became of Elaine and the student after his book was published.

Bob Katz’s story is one for the ages—a poignant reminder of what quality education looks like and the debt of gratitude we owe to dedicated teachers like Elaine Moore, who prepare students for life. 


Featured Guests:

Bob Katz is author of several acclaimed books. His novel Third and Long, about a dying midwest factory town that finds new life when a former football star is hired as the plant manager, won the 2011 Independent Book Publishing Association Fiction Award  Hot Air, an earlier novel about a mystical Latin American revolutionary on a speaking tour of US college campuses, was optioned for a movie by MGM and actor Michael Keaton. Elaine’s Circle: A Teacher, A Student, A Classroom, and One Unforgettable Year is a narrative nonfiction account of a dramatic episode in the classroom of a heroic school teacher in rural Alaska. The Whistleblower: Rooting for the Ref in the High-Stakes World of College Basketball is a behind-the-scenes exploration of the struggle to establish fairness in a hyper-competitive sport where both sides are angling for an edge.

In addition, Katz’ writing has appeared in a wide variety of publications, including the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, Mother Jones, the Nation, the Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, and many more. He resides in Lexington, MA.


Elaine's Circle: A Teacher, a Student, a Classroom and One Unforgettable Year

Elaine Moore, a veteran teacher in Eagle River, Alaska, is a firm believer that the classroom is, first and foremost, a community—and that learning is best when shared in a circle of peers. When one of her students, ten-year-old Seamus Farrell, is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, Elaine, her students, and her innovative methods of teaching are put to their most severe test. Elaine's Circle is the true account of this small-town teacher who led her fourth-grade students through the biggest challenge of their young lives. This book provides a heart-wrenching, intimate look at the utterly remarkable achievements of this dedicated teacher, a supportive community, and a group of children who rallied to make Seamus Farrell's impending death an unforgettable lesson about life.

Reviews ★★★★★

“This is a very touching, well-delivered book on what teachers have to face every day. Every teacher should read this and take a little of Elaine into their classroom!” - Pamela

“The story is so well written; before you know it, the book is done, and your life is changed forever. Elaine's Circle tells the story of a phenomenal teacher who handled the terminal illness of a student with grace, honesty and true insight into how a childs’s mind works. Kudos to all involved!” - Leslie N.




Win a Free, Signed Copy of Elaine’s Circle

To help promote this inspiring story about Elaine Moore, Bob Katz’s publisher has generously donated several signed copies of his book, created exclusively for our listeners.

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    I just listened to an incredible episode featuring Bob Katz and his story about Elaine Moore. It’s a powerful conversation that celebrates the impact of educators. Check it out here.

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