Stella Dang appreciates Mrs. Christina Helmer, a teacher at INDEPENDENCE HIGH SCHOOL in San Jose, CA

Mrs. Helmer, You have been one of the teachers that I have truly loved to have. I remember last year all of my friends hating chemistry, but I loved it because I had you as my teacher. You teach your students in a way where it’s fun, we are involved, and do not have to have a bunch of homework to understand the topic at hand. I wish there were more teachers out there like you. Teachers that talk to us about our lives and make learning a fun experience. You have made me find a new love for sea otters. When watching the 501 videos, I fell in love with the way they bang their clams into the wall to try to eat them. You make learning feel easy and not stressful. You are able to understand what students are going through things and you always care enough to ask about what is going on with our lives. I thank you for making me love chemistry and marine biology. I thank you for making my classes fun. And I thank you for all the talks during class and basketball games. OH, and all the otter pops.

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