Olivia Rodrigues appreciates Ms. Jacquelyn Barrack, a teacher at NOTRE DAME ACADEMY in San Diego, CA

Dear Ms Barrack, We would like to thank you so very very much for making Lilo's first year at NDA such a great 1st grade year for her. We can't thank you enough for your full and unconditional support, extra care & love & attention you have always dedicated to Lilo. This has been a memorable first grade for Lilo. She has had a good time at school, progressed and learned so much with you this year and we are truely appreciative for all the time and attention (and patience) and teachings to Lilo. She loves you as a teacher and a friend and has gained a lot of insights from your teaching, love and kindness in all the good and less good times this past year. I can't thank you enough for always giving me updates on her progress, her experiences and her accomplishments at school. It has been really helpful to have your valuable feedback of Lilo's progress. I know she will continue to strive and succeed, and has had an awesome launch jumpstart into the next years to come at NDA. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! <3

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