Lynn Bentaleb appreciates Ms. Katelyn Massaroni, a teacher at INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MONTEREY in Seaside, CA

As my child's teacher, I want to thank you for your warmth, your sense of humor, and your inspiration. You stepped into an incredibly hard situation with a group of students who forgot how to behave in school and desperately needed all your love and attention. I can only imagine how challenging this has been, but I honestly believe that you've done an incredible job and were the exact right person for the job. I'll be honest, I'm really struggling today given the incredibly hard news coming from Texas. I was feeling scared and hopeless. Dropping my kids off at school was just tough today. I decided I needed to put more love and joy into the world so I can make my corner a bit better. Love and joy are what we need now, and I know that you give that to Rayan every day, and I am just so so thankful for that. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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