Long time no talk, Mr. Haworth!! I would just like to appreciate all your hard work and energy you put in when teaching your students. I was in your 6th period English 1 class my freshman year, and I really liked your class. It was very entertaining and cool when you told us about your band that you were in and played us a song. Thank you for pushing me to sign up for English 2A because, at first, I was hesitant about joining that class, but now I really enjoy that class. At the beginning of freshman year, I didn't really have a lot of friends in your class, but since we did a lot of discussing whether or not we agree with a specific topic, I got to talk and meet new people that I still talk about about to today sometimes. I also always enjoyed reading days because it was a good feeling to chill after lunch and just have a moment of silence for a couple of minutes to read. Even when we did distance learning, I enjoyed your class because you made us write a journal about our day at the beginning of the pandemic, which I looked back on and smiled while reading them. Thank you so much, and stay safe!! -Kaylie Simmons
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